Analysis of the foreign experience of the ethical regulation of the public service in foreign countries and its application in the russian practice

Dunaeva Anastasia Igorevna

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Annotation: The authors raise the topical issue of ethical regulation of civil servants in the RF. Currently in Russia there is no clear system of regulating the behavior of civil servants in the ethi-cal sphere. In this regard, the authors have carried out a deep analysis of international experience in the field of study, identified the main trends in the ethical regulation of public service abroad. In conclusion, the main proposals have been formulated to improve the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of ethical regulation of civil servants.

Ключевые слова: ethical regulation, ethics in the civil service, corruption, anti-corruption, effectiveness of civil service.

Библиографическое описание: Dunaeva A.I. ANALYSIS OF THE FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF THE ETHICAL REGULATION OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND ITS APPLICATION IN THE RUSSIAN PRACTICE [Текст] // Право и проблемы функционирования современного государства: сборник материалов 12-й международной научно-практической конференции (г. Махачкала, 18 января, 2015 г.) - Махачкала: Издательство "Апробация", 2015 — C.64-65

From the experience of the Netherlands can offer the use of tools to minimize the violations of ethical nature, designed to ensure the Bureau of ethics and integrity in public administration:

1. "Kubik integrity";

2. Seminars to implement the strategy of integrity (like SAINT).

In our opinion, the use of these instruments may not only contribute to the implementation and enforcement of the legal framework in the field of ethical regulation of public service, but also the development of moral and ethical values among officials, as well as training will be of character.

For use in the Russian practice can offer implementation of inspections officials at all levels on a polygraph. It is believed that it reveals the intentions of a public servant, the presence or absence of his selfish purposes related to the implementation of a public officer. In foreign practice this kind of checks are carried out at the time civil servant qualifying examination, ie no more than once a year and at least once every three years.

Of particular interest is the experience of Germany to develop procedures for the oath of civil servants in the Russian Federation. The text of the oath and duty to bringing every employee should be secured as a separate item code of ethical regulation of the civil service (the dummy text of the oath is given in Appendix 4). The procedure of bringing public oath, will promote a sense of responsibility, as well as unite employees on the basis of mandatory actions and values.

From the experience of France in Russia in the field of ethical regulation of public service of greatest interest to its annual table of disciplinary sanctions and the annual review of court decisions in favor of a particular organ of state and municipal authorities.

Annual table of disciplinary sanctions in Russia should be formed in every state and municipal management in order to bring information about offenses committed by members of this body, and sanctions that have been applied to them. In contrast to the experience of France, where this information is anonymous in the Russian practice should also indicate the name of the official in respect of which has been applied or that sanction.




List of references:

1. The book "On Memory", Hermann Ebbinghaus, 1890

2. "Effective repetition and memorization," Natural Sciences, 2007

3. PC Week Review: IT in medicine, "Informatization of Health Care of the first results", March 2013

4. Butova T.V., Venedyuhina M.A. Babenko A.S. Direction of improving the mechanism of formation of the city development strategy federal // Innovation Economy: information, analysis, forecasts. 2011. № 5-6. S. 133-136.

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