Siletskaya Olga

Moscow State University Faculty of Journalism PhD

Glocalization is a modern bilateral and multilateral cultural process, that is mostly reflected in media. How can we study this new phenomena and which methods are suitable for it?

Ключевые слова: Ключевые слова: Glocalization,media,culture,communication,international,national

Библиографическое описание: Библиографическое описание:

Glocalization - is a dialectical process of interaction of local and global, not only a shift of global processes on the local level (for example, the formation of separate national standards on international political model), but the output of local processes onto the global level (their globalization, transformation into global processes). Glocalization in modern media developed on the basis of network self-organization and cross-cultural communication.

Cultural glocalization in media is not only a new term, but also not-studied process, so it can be divided on several key scopes:

- Glocalization of language, that is happening both in language itself and in the culture of communication;

- Glocalization of any phenomena as universal, and national;

- Glocalization of consciousness, including changes in the religious, gender, political and philosophical views

Separation of the glocalizatian as media phenomena (as much as it could be separated from economics and politics), and it’s in-depth, thorough examination with the help of media-analysing asks for the ultra-interdisciplinary studying, because is closely linked to history, journalism, sociology, politics, all kinds of culture studies, etc. So it can be realized with such methods as data analyses, textual and source criticism, “historism”, which means the analyzing of the materials and articles according to the simultaneous events and circumstances.

The first step to understanding of the process of glocalization in modern media of its causes and effects, mechanisms of development should be done on the example of different types of society (the difference consists in the geographical, religious, political, and socio-cultural aspects).

The next step is dividing of the glocalization in various fields of media life: language and communication (as the main ways and means of glocalization’s distribution), cultural phenomena, generated by glocalization, the phenomena of consciousness: new myths and archetypes of glocalization, new ways of cognition.

The next necessary step after this is a creation of methodological base for the study of glocalization in media: time and event boundaries, understanding of descriptions of this process in it’s various forms and binding of these descriptions together in unit, explication (explanation) of the basic laws of functioning of glocalization in media, due regard for the historical nature of the process of globalization and its changes over time.

In further understanding of glocalization in media is deepening and developing with the understanding of the process of glocalization at several levels. It should be: the level of language (linguistic), the level of interpretation, the level of transformation, the level of comprehension of meaning, and the level of global understanding. If we can set a clear, well-described understanding of the process of glocalization in media, its laws, its development as a complete outline, we can get such level of proficiency, with which we would be able to PREDICT the further process of glocalization, both in general and in details.

The expected step of usage of glocalization in media is ability to make the theoretical and empirical basement for the monitoring of the simultaneous processes of glocalization. Thus, as a result, should give a number of new concepts (and/or expanding and refining the old ones). For the purpose of clarification and development of the concepts of glocalization in media, a series of experiments could be undertaken with the support of the media and public opinion polling centers.

Now glocalization in media develops into the significant phenomenon due to the appearance of the social media, web-media and all other kinds of modern media, that can work like a “two way communication tool”, author-readers and readers-author at the same time. So that glocalization in media is caused both by the:

-     necessity of the describing of modern events, which, being on the border of local and global could be described only with such a new term as globalization is;

-     attention to the new kinds of not yet described reflecting into the newest types of media.



1. Robertson, R. Glocalization: Time-Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity in Featherstone, Lash and Global Modernities. - London: Sage, 1995.

2. Lull, J. Media, Communication, Culture: A Global Approach. – Cambridge, 2000.

3. Volinchuk, A., Frolova, Ya. Glocalization as subject of research, - Vladivostok, 2007.

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