The economic consequences of Russia's wto accession

Udachin Nikita Olegovich

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation

Annotation: Russia's accession to the WTO has had a significant impact on the labor market. This is due to the fact that the World Trade Organization is an example of the structural formation of the economy. Changes in economic conditions could trigger a further increase in foreign labor. According to David Tarr, World Bank expert and author of large-scale research into the consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO in the near future will increase the number of skilled foreign workforce by 4.7% and 2.5% unskilled. At the moment, in terms of the distribution of the number of foreign citizens who had a valid work permit, by occupational group in 2011 and the end of 2012. You can identify a tendency to increase the number of foreign workers in the 120, 8 thousand., An increase of skilled workers 64.1 thous. pers., an increase of unskilled workers by 56.7 thousand. people.

Ключевые слова: WTO, economic, production, accession.

Библиографическое описание: Udachin N.O. THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF RUSSIA'S WTO ACCESSION [Текст] // Право и проблемы функционирования современного государства: сборник материалов 12-й международной научно-практической конференции (г. Махачкала, 18 января, 2015 г.) - Махачкала: Издательство "Апробация", 2015 — C.80-81

Russia's WTO accession helps to create a highly competitive labor market. Under these conditions change significantly requirements of employers to knowledge, skills and practical experience of workers, and, consequently, to the institutions of vocational education from the perspective of training qualified personnel, qualified, demand innovative economy. Of particular importance is the further education due to the need for continuous training throughout the working life.

 Due to increased competition from foreign goods and manufacturers, domestic producers will be forced to restructure its production through the introduction of new technological schemes and select the most effective method of process control and personnel. [4]

Already since 2013 a positive impact due to the reduction of fees will be felt by retailers, the largest proportion of sales which account for imported goods: premium food network, various network electronics stores, pharmacy chains, and all the clothes shopping online. Thanks to accession to the WTO trade data network will have opportunities to work with some Western suppliers. Estimated increase in imports combined with inhibition of inflation due to the intense competition between domestic and foreign producers can become key factors in the growth of revenue retailers.

The greatest growth in production is expected in sectors with export competitiveness, namely non-ferrous metals (14.45%, as a percentage of the base year level), ferrous metals (3.63%, as a percentage of the base year level), chemical and petrochemical production (2.05%, as a percentage of the base year level). These industries will have new incentives for growth and development. It is in these industries to manufacturers ample opportunities to improve their position in foreign markets. There will be an increase in government subsidies, the redistribution of the employed population of inefficient industries in the high-tech industries, which will lead to the modernization of industries and employment growth.

As for the workers themselves of these industries, they are wary of Russia's WTO accession. In their view, this step should not expect the domestic industry rather negative results. The reason for this point of view, the next - in our country is quite high lending rate in relation to the same indicator abroad and the absence of any possibility for Russian participants of the contract on the territory of the Russian Federation to hedge price risks.

In the face of such unfair competition created by Russia's accession to the WTO, Russian companies can only help the state by reducing bank loan rates, reducing the length of the decision to initiate anti-dumping investigations to three, a maximum of six months, the introduction of the mechanism of anti-dumping duty during the investigation.

In the context of the restructuring of the economy increased competition from countries where most of the population is employed in small and medium business. This will cause problems such as lack of competitiveness in the field of management technologies and management Russian small and medium-sized businesses with foreign companies. The main requirements on the part of the WTO in relation to undertakings are transparency of financial reporting and corporate governance, quality management, and implementation of accounting and external audit of the financial activities of the enterprise in accordance with the standards of the global financial statements adopted worldwide.

In connection with the entry into the World Trade Organisation should monitor the preparation of the enterprises in accordance with international standards of healthy and safe working conditions at every workplace. This will allow Russian companies without much effort and additional costs to adapt to the work of the WTO.

The WTO is not a guarantee, but rather a tool for economic development of the country, and what kind of material, labor, financial and managerial resources will be involved, determine the effectiveness of the potential of this tool.



1. Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2011 "On the results of the negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO."

2. The World Bank in Russia, URL:

3. Statistical Yearbook - 2012 "The number of foreign citizens to perform labor activities in Russia in 2011".

4. Analytical review of "secondary to Russia?", P. 45

5. I. Ponomarev WTO: Risks and opportunities // Bulletin of the Russian Union of Builders - 5.2012, pp 34 - 39.

6. Butova T.V., Venedyuhina M.A. Babenko A.S. Direction of improving the mechanism of formation of the city development strategy federal // Innovation Economy: information, analysis, forecasts. 2011. № 5-6. S. 133-136.

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